Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Stylish gear

I myself was raised in the 90's in the city of Chicago, IL so was defiantly a huge hip hop fan.  I even, believe it or not had a hard core rap phase.  I mean if you grew up where I grew up or within a hundred miles of it you would have been too.  Man if I had the money at that time and had this hat, I would have been envied of everyone.  Interesting fact for you youngsters, when this group started there was hardly any social media if any at all.  

You see every since I can remember I would hustle up on some monies, long before I was able to legally work with my work permit I worked.  I would do odd jobs like go to the community center and help them clean up after a event for a sack lunch and $20 dollars.  That meant so much to me back then, do you know what I could do with $20 dollars.  Everyone would run to the local music store or box store like Walmart.  I on the other hand would order my tapes through the mail or online for half the price.  Yeah I would have to go to the store to put money on a card and call Columbia music to put in the order and then wait for the tape to come in the mail but I could get more with my $20 than just one tape.

I absolutely loved this group, I remember the Crossroad tape, and yes I mean cassette tape.  It had a fold out that you could see all of the lyrics.  You see Google lyrics was not popular yet so you relied on the music group to tell you the lyrics.  I would study them and I could rap right along with them, so after school me and my friends would gather around playing the tape and hands down I could say every word and pronounce it just like the group. We even put on shows for other friends, I was very popular that summer. Man this brings back so many good memories.  I have had people compliment me on this cap so much, and was surprised when I could go line for line with the lyrics, even after all this time.

The cap itself not only brings up some great times but itself is made of very quality fabric.  the bib has a leather look.  the stitching of letters looks like someone took their time to produce it.  It holds its shape even in the warm weather I am.  I give this cap a A++ for quality.  It is worth every penny and being under $25 makes it a steal.  It can be purchased at #layziegear

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